Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Tart of Egges

To make a Tart of Egges
Take twentie yolks of Egs, and half a pound of butter, and straine them al together into a plater: then put two good handfuls of sugar in it, sixe spoonfuls of rosewater, and stirre them altogether. Then make your paste with two handfuls of fine flower, and sixe yolks of egges, an da quarter of a dish of butter: then make your tart and put your stuff therin, and lay your tart upon a sheete of paper, and so put it into the oven, and when it is baked ynough, then drawe it out of the oven, and cast a little sugar on it, and so serve it forth.
My redaction
10 egg yolks
100g butter
3 tbsp rosewater
1/2 cup white sugar
prebaked pastry case. (see below)
mix these together and pour into a prebaked pastry case
6 egg yolks,
1/2 cup butter, melted.
3 cups flour
4 tbsp water (if required)
Mix the above ingredients together well, and press into the base and sides of required container.
Blind bake until cooked and golden brown (180C for 10 min?)
Quantity made four large tart shells.