Sunday, October 21, 2007

Mid day meal cooked in the tudor kitchen at Tretower Court.

Master Paul and myself had volunteered to cook lunch in the Tudor kitchen at Tretower Court. So donning my 16th Century working kit and setting up the fire tray in the fire place away we went.

Aided by the excellent help of Robert of Canterbury, we turned out the meal on period dishes for 15 or so people.

The menu was;

  • Mutton in beer - Diced mutton cooked in dark ale. After an hour (a time period given in the original recipe) add onions and then before serving lots of butter.
  • Beans fried with figs and onions - Cook beans (I used green flagolette) then mash them up. Fry the figs and onions up and then add the beans, sage and salt. Don't stint of the latter or it won't taste of anything.
  • Compound Salad - Anything nice that is showy off. Lettuce, radishes, cooked slices of carrot, dried figs, pickled walnuts, lemons.
  • Norfolk Fool - spiced custard served on bread sippets.
  • Posset (made up on the spot from left overs... Sack, cream, eggs whites , sugar, spices and chunks of lemon)
  • Ginger bread and dried figs.

1 comment:

Auntie Nic said...

Sounds wonderful and the opportunity, I am so jealous. Keep up the reports Thomas, I am enjoying them