Sunday, August 17, 2008

Roasted Rabbit with a Fine Sauce

Roasted Rabbit with a Fine Sauce for a roasted rabbit: used for King Henry the eight.
Roasted Rabbit: Spit roasting?
Text: (for the sauce)
Take a handfull of washed parcelie, minced small, boil it with butter and vergious upon a chafingdish, season it with sugar and a little pepper grose beaten: when it is readie, put in a few crums of white bread amongst the others let it boile againe til it be thick: then lay it on a platter, like the bredth of three fingers, lay of each side one rosted cony or mo, + so serve the.

My redaction
Large bunch of parsley, washed and cut finely
2 tbsp butter, ¼ cup vergious, sprinkling of ground pepper
Fry these together, adding water to keep moist.
Add white spoonful breadcrumbs
Boil until thickened
Spread onto a serving tray and put the rabbit to the side of it.

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