Friday, December 28, 2007

Fritters (clary sage)

Fritters - R. 177

Take the herb called clary and grind it, steep it in pure water and beat well sieved flour into this; add in some honey and a little white wine and beat these togetehr utnil smooth; then fry small spoonfuls of this mixture in oil, as is done for fritters and put rosemary generously on each fritter; squeeze your fritters between two blades to drain off the oil, then put them in a fine new pot beside the fire. Dress them on a plate with sugar.
No. Quantity Qantity Item

cup clary sage

cup flour

TBS honey

cup white wine

oil for frying

cup finely chopped rosemary

TBS sugar


Mix the flour, sage, honey, and wine to make a batter. Deep fry in oil until golden brown and drain on a plate. Sprinkle the fritters with rosemary and sugar.

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