Thursday, September 6, 2007

Recent SCA event in the UK - Raglan Castle

Hi Guys,
Thought you might like to see these pics

There is also a description of the feast I cooked for 30 odd people over the fire.

Yeah yeah nothing for your hardened Rowany types but....

The menu was
  • Roast Pork with boars tail sauce
  • Sarasen Stew which is a beef stew with almond milk.
  • Chyces which is chick peas cooked in safron, olive oil, cloves, pepper and water.
  • Braised Greens
  • Compound Salads
  • Strawberry Fool
  • Ginger Bread and dried fruit
  • Fritters Fluffy which is kind of like a pancake but with yeast to make it rise. So I guess a cross between a pancake and a doughnut.
All seemed to go really well and the spit roasted pork I thought worked just perfectly.

So quite happy with myself but totally knackered all I need to do now is unpack the car and wash everything.

Thomas Flamanc of Kelsale

Monday, September 3, 2007

Quark-Mandeltorte (Cream Cheese-Almond Cake)

Nimm fein gestoßene Mandeln, füge nur tropfenweise Wasser hinze, nimm dann ebensoviel Quark wie geriebene Mandeln, rübr beides durcheinander, schlag Eier daranm daß es dick wird wie ein Kuchenteig. Tu eine rechte Menge Zucker daran und Weinbeeren. Mach einen Teig aus Eiern unf Mehl, roll ihn mit einen Wellholz asu, tu die oben beschriebene Füllung darauf und laß es in einer Pasteten-Form backen, aber nicht zu lange. Wenn es aber hochgeht unt fest wird, dann ist es genug.


For 6 (for 20; for 60) Ingredient
3 Tbsp (½ c; 1 ½ c) Wine, dry white
1 ½ Tbsp (¼ c; ¾ c) Honey
225 g (675 g; 2 K) Flour, wheat
5 (15; 45) Egg Yolks
1 pinch (¼ tsp; ½ tsp) Salt
55 g (150 g; 450 g) Butter
2 Tbsp (1/3 c; 1 c) Cream
Peas for blind baking


250 g (750 g; 2.25 K) Cream Cheese
250 g (750 g; 2.25 K) Almonds, ground
3 (8; 24) Eggs
150 g (450 g; 1.35 K) Sugar
1 (3; 9) Lemon Peel
75 g (225 g; 675 g) Sultanas

Cook the wine with the honey, until honey dissolves. In a bowl, mix 2/3 of the honey mixture with the flour, butter and salt, then mix in the cream. In a small bowl, mix egg yolk with the rest of the honey mixture. Combine the mixtures and knead into a dough. Press into a spring form pan with a high edge. Spread with peas and bake for 10 minutes in oven preheated to 200°.

Meanwhile, cream the egg with the cream cheese, add the almonds, then the lemon peel and sugar. Put in pre-baked shell, switch oven down to 150° and bake for 1 hour and 20 minutes.

NFN: expensive but worth the cost. It was very rich and can be cut into very small pieces.

page 206

Milchreis (Milk Rice)

Reis mit Milch ist am besten mit Ziegenmilch. Und er wird so gemacht:

Nimm ein Pfund Reis und wasch ihn und tu dazu vier Pfund Milch, und laß das auf einem kleinen Feuer Kocken. Es ist von mäßiger Feuchtigkeit und Trokenheit, nährt gut, kräfttigt die Natur und macht das Eingeweide schleimig und ist (gut) verdaulich und macht Melancholie und schadet denen, die Schleim haben; aber die Schädlichkeit behebt man mit Zucker.

For 6 (for 20; for 60) Ingredient
250 g (750 g; 2 K) Rice grains
1 ½ L (4 ½ L; 12 L) Milk
1 pinch (¼ tsp; ½ tsp) Salt
30 g (90 g; 270 g) Butter
100 g (300 g; 900 g) Sugar
½ (1 ½; 4) Lemon, ground peel
Cinnamon, if desired

Bring milk, salt and lemon peel to gentle boil. Add rice and stir. Add butter and simmer on low flame until cooked. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon and serve.

NFN: I also made a batch of is with Soy Milk and no butter so that non-dairy people could have a dessert.

page 199

Birnenpudding (Pear Pudding)


Willst du Birnenmus machen, so nimm Birnen und schneide sie schön und koch sie in einen Topf mit Wein und Schmalz. Und schlag sie durch ein Tuch und rühr sie ab mit Eidottern. Und streu Gewüdarauf, wenn man es anrichten will.

For 6 (for 20; for 60) Ingredient
500 g (1.5 K; 4.5 K) Pears, Canned
150 ml (450 ml; 1.350 ml) Wine, Dry White
20 g (60 g; 180 g) Butter
50 g (150 g; 450 g) Sugar
2 tsp (2 Tbsp; 1/3 c) Cinnamon
4 Tbsp (¾ c; 2 ¼ c) Cream
3 (6; 18) Egg Whites

Cut pears into pieces. Place in wine and butter and cook thoroughly. Through a sieve beat pears with sugar and cinnamon. Add cream. Put back into pot and add egg whites, give a little stir. Place on very low heat and allow to thicken. Place in mold and allow to cool. Turn out and serve.

NFN: All I can say is, this is wonderful. Would be very good for a summer feast as it is served cold.

page 193

Sauerkirschen ausgebacken (Baked Sour Cherry)

Willst du ausgebackene Weichseln machen, so rühr einen Teig mit vier Eiern und Wasser an, schmeck ihn ab mit Gerwürzen. Nimm danach heißes Schmalz, zieh die Weichseln durch den Tieg und back sie in dem Schmalz.

For 6 (for 20; for 60) Ingredient
400 g (1.3 K; 4 K) Cherries, sour
180 g (500 g; 1.5 K) Four
125 ml (300 ml; 1 L) Wine, white
25 g (75 g; 150 g) Oil
2 (5; 15) Eggs, separated
1 pinch (¼ tsp; ½ tsp) Salt
25 g (75 g; 150 g) Sugar
Vegetable Oil for frying
Sugar & Cinnamon for sprinkling

Drain cherries. Make a Bristle Dough with remaining ingredients. Drag 2 or 3 cherries through dough and bake in hot oil. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon and serve immediately.

NFN: I didn’t have time to get these done. I would love to see them done sometime as they are really special.

page 184

Pomeranzengemüse (Carrots in Orange Sauce)

Warmes Pomeranzengemüse machen

So nimm die äußere gelbe Schale von Pomeranzen und schneide das Weiße ab, und schneide kleine Schnipsel wie bei Kuttelfleck und wasch sie in Wasser. Und tu sie in ein kleines Gefäß mit Wasser und laß sie aufkochen. Das tu zwölf Mal, du mußt aber jedes Mal frisches Wasser darantun. Oder probiere sie; solange es noch bitter ist, solange mußt du sie waschen und jedes Mal aufkocken lassen. Danach, wenn es nicht mehr bitter ist, wasch sid in sauberem Wasser und tu Schmalz darüber und röste sie im Schmalz. Danach tu einen gfuten süßen Wein daran, Zucker, kleine Weinbeeren, Zibeben

For 6 (for 20; for 60) Ingredient
750 g (1.5 K; 4 K) Carrots, sliced thin
12 (20; 50) Oranges, unsquirting
50 g (150 g; 400 g) Raisins
20 g (60 g; 180 g) Butter
60 g (180 g; 400 g) Sugar
125 ml (200 ml; 600 ml) Wine, White Sweet
1 tsp (1 Tbsp; 3 Tbsp) Pepper, black finely ground

To make the sauce: wash oranges and peel extremely thin peel off so that you leave the white on the orange. Cover the orange peel and raisins with a little water and simmer for 10 minutes. Pour out the water and stew the orange peel in the butter. Add the sugar and allow to lightly carmelise. Add wine and pepper to taste.

Steam carrots and pour sauce over and serve.

NOTE: Orange segments can be used in decorating dishes for the evening or to add to a beverage.

NFN: I decided to juice the oranges and boiled the carrots in th juice and the rest ot the ingredients, except the raisins.

page 179

Ausgebackene Morchen (Baked Mushrooms)

Gebacken Morcheln

Nimm kleine Morcheln und wasch sie ganz sauber und schneid die Stiele ab. Und mach einen dünnen Teig as weißem Mehl und gieß ein wenig Wein daran, und färb ihn und wurze ihn und zeih die Morcheln dadurch und back sie in einer Pfanne.

For 6 (for 20; for 60) Ingredient
250 g (750 g; 1.5 K) Mushrooms
90 g (200 g; 600 g) Flour
½ cup (1 ½ c; 4 ½ c) Wine, White
10 g (40 g; 120 g) Oil
1 (3; 9) Egg, separated
1 portion (3 portions; 9 portions) Saffron
1 pinch (1/8 tsp; ¼ tsp) Salt
1 bunch (1 ½ bunches; 3 bunches) Parsley, chopped finely
Fat for frying

Wash the fresh mushrooms thoroughly. Stiffen egg white slightly. Make dough with the rest of the ingredients and then add egg white. Draw mushrooms through the dough and fry in hot fat until golden brown.

NFN: This was fun. I would recommend making sure there is plenty of paper towels to absorb the oil after frying.

page 176

Lauchgemüse (Leek Greens)

Ein Lauchgemuse

Nimm das Weiße vom Lauch und hack es fein und vermenge es mit guter Mandlemilch und mit Reismehl. Und koch es gar. Auch als Fastengericht gut zu machen mit Mandlemilch und Reismehl vermengt. Und das koch gar und versalze nicht.

For 6 (for 20; For 60) Ingredient
600 g (2 K; 6 K) Leeks, white
30 g (100 g; 300 g) Flour, Rice
Salt and Pepper
(½ tsp; 2 tsp) Nutmeg
(1 tsp; 3 tsp) Basil

Almond Milk

75 g (225 g; 675 g) Almonds, ground
250 ml (750 ml; 2.25 L) Wine, white
1 tsp (1 Tbsp; 2 Tbsp) Almond Essence
1 tsp (1 Tbsp; 3 Tbsp) Sugar

Clean leeks and cut into fine rings. Mix with rice flour. Make Almond Milk by mixing all ingredients together well. Pour in the almond milk with spices, stew everything until leeks are done.

NFN: we didn’t use any almond essence and used a sweet white wine. This was put on one half hour before serving ans was ready to be served immediately. Watch the pan bottom, it will burn.

page 174

Rehragout (Deer Ragout)

Eine Sauce für Rehfleisch

Nimm das Rehfleisch, salz eds mäßig, laß es kochen. Tu Petersilie darauf und Salbei und gehackten Speck; wenn er gar gekocht ist, so nimm Rinde von Roggenbrot, Ingwer, Pfeffer, Essig. Mach darauf eine Sauce, laß es damit aufkochen und trag es auf.

For 6 (for 20 for 60) Ingredient
750 g (2.6 K; 7.8 K) Deer, bite size pieces
1 L (1.5 L; 4 L) Buttermilk
75 g (250 g; 750 g) Bacon
10 g (30 g; 90 g) Lard
1 Tblsp (3 Tblsp; ½ c) Flour
1 bunch (1 ½ bunches; 3 bunches) Parsley
3-4 leaves (1 Tblsp; 3 Tblsp) Sage
2 slices (6 slices; 1 loaf) Bread, Rye
300 ml (900 ml; 1.8 L) Stock
1 cm (3 cm; 9 cm) Ginger
2 Tblsp (½ c; 1 ½ c) Vinegar, Apple Cider

Cut deer into bite size pieces, and soak in buttermilk for 24 hours. Rinse and dry. Cube bacon and fry with lard. Sprinkle flour over and allow to cook lightly. Add deer pieces, cook, add salt. Finely chop the parsley and sage and add to meat. Put on low heat for 45 minutes to stew.

In the meanwhile, peel the ginger and grate. With the crumbed rye bread, add to the boiling meat. Add vinegar, pepper and salt to taste.

NFN: I couldn’t find any buttermilk. As this step was to start breaking done the meat, and the meat I had purchased was ready for cooking, we ignored this step. After all ingredients where added, the stew was left on a very low flame for 7 hours, stiring every so often. We also used a bit more ginger than called for.

page 161

Gefülltes Spanferkel (Filled Pork)

Ein gerbratens, gefülltes Spanferkel

Ein gebratenes, gefülltes Spanferkel mach folgendermaßen: Nimm ein drie Wochen altes Ferkel un brüh es ab. Laß es abkühlen und zieh ihm die Bosten vollständig aus, ohne es (d.h. die Haut) zu verletzen. Und laß ihm die Haut unten am Bauch. Und löse etwas Fleisch und die Beinknochen und alle Eingeweide heraus, außer den Klauen, die es unten an den Füßen hat. Und nimm von dem Fleisch, das herausgelöst wurde, soviel wie zwei Eier und koch es fast gar. Und nimm dann dieses Fleisch und Speck und hack beides. Tu rohe Eier dazu und eine Scheibe Brot und Petersilie und salze es mäßig. Und Fülle damit das Ferkel vorsichtig in einen großen Topf und laßes aufkochen, do daß die Haut nicht platzt. Dann nimm es und leg es auf einen hölzernen Rost und brate es auf neidriger Flamme. Wehnn es dann (gar) gebratenn ist, nimm ein Brett und leg ed auf eine Schüssel, befestige auf dem Brett vier Stöchchen und verkleide das Brett mit einem Eirpfannkuchen, und setz das Ferkel daruaf, unhülle es ebenfalls mit einem Pfannkachen und laß die Ohren und die Schnaze heraussenhen und trage es auf.

Pancake Dough

For 6 (for 20; For 60) Ingredient
400 g (1.2 K; 3.6 K) Flour
1 litre (3 L; 9 L) Milk
8 (24; 72) Eggs
¼ tsp (1 tsp; 2 tsp) Salt
100 g (300 g; 900 g) Butter

Pork and Filling

750 g (2 K; 6 K) Pork Leg
100 g (300 g; 900 g) Ox Liver
100 g (300 g; 900 g) Bacon
250 ml (750 ml; 1.5 L) Stock, Beef
1 (3; 9) Onion
1 Tbsp (¼ c; ¾ c) Parsley, chopped
2 (6; 18) Bread Rolls
1 pinch (¼ tsp; ½ tsp) Nutmeg
Salt and Pepper
½ (1 ½; 4) Lemon Juice
3 (6; 15) Eggs
150 g (450 g; 1.350 K) Butter

Combine ingredients for filling and fill pork leg. Tie together with string. Bake until done, about 2 hours.

Combine ingredients for pancakes. Make as per normal pancakes. Place pork on stack of pancakes with juice and serve.

NFN: We decided that the filling was becoming to wet and didn’t use as many eggs. We also ran out of time and did not serve it on pancakes, though I think it would have been a wonderful addition if the platters are to be left on the tables, there was more than enough juice on the pork. I forgot to bring the string, so the legs were each wrapped in foil to be roasted.

page 154

Gänsebraten mit Leber-Apfel-Sauce (Roast Goose with Liver Apple Sauce)

Dies ist ein gutes Essen.

Steck eine Gans an einen Spieß und koch das Gekröse. Nimm vier hart gekochte Eier und gib Krumen von schönem Weißbrot und Kümmel dazu und ein wenig Pfeffer und Safran. Und nimm drei gekochte Hühnerlebern, verrühre sie mit Essig aund Hühnerbrühe, aber nicht zu sauer, und schäle Zwiebeln und schneide sie fein und tu sie dann in einen Topf. Tu Wasser oder Schmalz dazu und laß sie sieden, damit sie weich werden. Und nimm saure Äpfel, schneide die Kerne heraus. Wenn die Zwiebeln gar sind, gib die Äpfel dazu, daß sie weich werden. Gib dann das Gemisch (aus Eiern, Brotkrumen, Gewürzen, Leber, Essig un Brühe) zusammen mit den Zwiebeln und den Äpfeln in eine Pfanne. Und wenn die Gans gebraten ist, so zerlege sie und leg sie in ein schönes Gefäß und gieße die Sauce darüber und servier es.

For 6 (for 20 For 60 Ingredient
1 (2; 6) Goose with insides about 2.5 kilograms
Salt and Pepper
1 tsp (2 tsp; 2 Tbsp) Fennel Seeds, ground
2 tsp (4 tsp; 4 Tbsp) Caraway Seeds
150 ml (200 ml; 400 ml) Water
5 Tbsp (½ c; 1 c) Honey


500 g (1 K; 3 K) Pears
15 (30; 90) Juniper Berries
250 g (500 g; 1.5 K) Bacon
1 bunch (1 ½ bunch; 3 bunches) Parsley
3 (6; 18) Onions
Salt and Pepper


500 ml (1 L; 3 L) Stock, Chicken
1 bundle (2 bunches; 6 bunches) Pot of Herbs
75 g (150 g; 450 g) Breadcrumbs
200 g (400 g; 1.2 K) Chicken Livers
4 (8; 24) Eggs
1 portion (2 portions; 6 portions) Saffron
2 tsp (4 tsp; 3 Tbsp) Caraway Seeds
3 Tbsp (½ c; 1 ½ c) Vinegar, apple cider
2 (4; 12) Onions
2-3 (5-6; 17-18) Apples, sour
1 pinch (½ tsp; 1 tsp) Sugar

Gut the goose, wash and dry. Keep the stomach, heart, liver and fat for use in sauce. Rub into the goose inside and out, the salt, pepper, ground fennel and caraway. Heat oven to 200°. Mix Filling ingredients and stuff the goose and sew it up. Lay the juice pan in the grill and add the goose, breast side down. After 15-20 minutes, stick a needle on all sides so the fat will run out. Pour 2 litres of water into the roasting pan. During the cooking baste the goose with the liquid from the pan. Turn the goose after 1 hour. At 2+ hour, when the stuffing is done, cover with the honey mixture and leave for browning for a good five minutes.

Meanwhile, for the sauce, hard boil the eggs. Wash the heart and stomach and chop finely. Boil the chicken broth with the pot of herbs, heart and stomach. After one hour take out about half the broth (reserve if you need to add more later) and add the liver. When the liver is done, pass through a fine sieve and return to the pot. Add the chopped heart and stomach and the breadcrumbs. Shell and chop the hard boiled eggs and mix in, and leave to cook slowly.

Peel and core apples and cut into slices. Peel onion, chop and cook in goose fat. Steam the apple slices. Add apple/onion mix to the sauce. At the end, add the vinegar, caraway, salt and pepper and a pinch of sugar before serving.

NFN: Fennel Seeds where not used. This was a very complex item, which we used for high table. I wouldn’t like to try it for a large gathering.

Page 135

Kräutertorte (Green Torte)

Eine Kräutertorte zu machen

Nehmt Spinat, überbrüht ihn und hackt ihn, reibt Parmesankäse und tut ihn darunter, etwas Pfeffer, kleine Weinbeerenm etwas zerlassene Butter (tut) auch darunter. Salzt es und backt es und macht eine Torte daraus, wie man die gedeckten Torten zu machen pflegt.


For 6 (for 20; For 60) Ingredient
250 g (500 g; 1.5 K) Flour
2 (4; 12) Eggs
25 g (50 g; 150 g) Butter
2-3 Tbsp (1/3 c; 1 c) Water
Peas for blind baking


500 g (1 K; 3 K) Spinach
100 g (200 g; 600 g) Parmesan Cheese
100 g (200 g; 600 g) Raisins
Salt and Pepper to taste
100 g (200 g; 600 g) Butter


4 (8; 24) Eggs
250 ml (500 ml; 1.5 L) Cream
pinch (¼ tsp; 1 tsp) Nutmeg, fresh ground
Salt and Pepper to taste

Combine the dough ingredients as for pastry. Allow to rest.

Wash spinach and cook quickly in boiling water. Stew raisins in butter and add drained spinach, seasoning and cheese. Roll out dough to a 26 cm spring form with 2sm edge. Bake shell with baking paper and peas at 200° oven for 7-10 minutes. Take out peas. Add spinach and cook for a further 10 minutes. Add icing and bake for 10-15 minutes more.

NFN: It was worth the triple entry into the oven. We used large roasting pans and doubled the cooking times.

Page 99

Heidnische Kuchen, mit Fleish, Speck, Äpfeln (Pagan Cakes)

The name for this dish gives a puzzle to the meaning of Müller/Jourdon, that he derived for himself from the buckwheat that is likewise Heathencorn. However, the buckwheat first came to Germany from Asia in the 15th century. He is probably therefore, that should signify the oriental or other foreign origin of the Name. The Heathen Cake is also suitable for the leftover variety.

These are named pagon cakes. One should take a pastry and should then spread thin and put in the cooked meat and minced bacon, apple, pepper and egg. Then back than serve it and don’t spoil it.

Diese heißen heidnische Kuchen. Man soll einen Teig nehmen und soll den dünn ausbreiten. Und nimm gekochtes Fleisch und gehackten Speck und Äpfel und Pfeffer und Eier hinein. Und back das und servier es und verschandel es nicht.


For 6 (for 20; for 60) Ingredient
250 g (1 K; 3 K) Flour
2 (8; 24) Eggs
25 g (100 g; 300 g) Lard, Pork or butter
2-3 Tbsp (¼ c; ¾ c) Water
1 pinch (1/8 tsp; ¼ tsp) Salt


500 g (1.5 K; 4.5 K) Pork or Beef, ground
100 g (300 g; 900 g) Bacon
1 (3; 9) Apple, Sour winter
1 (3; 9) Onion
2 (6; 18) Garlic Cloves
¼ tsp (1 tsp; 1 Tbsp) Fennel Seeds
½ tsp (2 tsp; 2 Tbsp) Caraway Seeds
Salt and Pepper
1-2 (4; 12) Eggs
1 (1; 2) Egg Yolk

Make pie pastry dough for the base, allow to sit for 1-2 hours.

Meanwhile, peel onions and cube. Peel apples, core and cube. Cook meat for about 1 hour in weak salt water. Then with bacon, onion and apple pass through mincer, to reduce into small pieces. Add eggs and prepare stuffing with strong taste of spices.

Preheat oven to 200°. Roll out pastry and lay the stuffing and roll. Dampen the edges and roll over. Spread egg yolk on top, slit so steam can escape. Set on a baking tray in heated oven and bake for 1 hour or until golden brown.

NFN: I used a mix of 1/3 pork to 2/3 beef mince. We chopped the onions and apple finely to start with and did not pass them though a mincer. We found we had more than enough filling and had to make extra pastry. No fennel seeds where used.

page 94

Straubenteig mit Milch (Bristle Dough with Milk)

For 6 (for 20 for 60) Ingredient
250 g (500 g; 1.5 K) Flour
125 ml (250 ml; 750 ml) Milk or Almond Milk
5 (10; 30) Eggs, Separated
1 pinch (1/8 tsp; ¼ tsp) Salt

to Sweeten Dough

3 Tbsp (1/3 c; 1 c) Sugar

Mix flour and milk into smooth dough. Add egg yolks and salt. Mix only until just smooth. Beat egg whites until just stiff with sugar if desired. Carefully fold into dough.

Bristle should float in the fat when it is fried.

page 35

Minzsauce, auf Rinderfond, mit Schalotten, Minze (Beef Roast with Mint Sauce)

Ein Würzbrühlein
Nimm Rindfleisch, wie es gerade kommt, koch es gar, salz es gut. Nimm Schalotten und Mintz dauz (nimm genug van diesem Kraut), laß es in einer fetten Brühe gut kochen und breit es zu, wie du willst, und servier es.

For 6 (for 20; for 60) Ingredients
500 g (1.5 K; 4.5 K) Beef Roast
6 (18; 54) Shallots
10 g (30 g; 90 g) Butter
3 Tbsp (½ c;1 ½ c) Peppermint leaf, finely chopped
200 ml (600 ml; 1.8 L) Stock, Beef
¼ tsp (1 tsp; 1 Tbsp) Meat Extract
3 Tbsp (½ c; 1 ½ c) Vinegar, wine
3 tsp (¼ c; ¾ c) Honey
¼ (1; 3) Bread Roll, shredded

To make the Mint Sauce: wash peppermint leaves and chop finely. Peel the shallots and chop finely. Melt the butter and add the stock. Shred bread and leave in sauce. Add meat extract, vinegar and honey. Boil briefly. Take from heat and strain through very fine sieve. Add the mint and shallots and leave for at least an hour before serving.

Take the beef and cook it until it is almost done, salt well. Add the Sauce to beef and return to oven to let it finish in cooking in the sauce. Serve

Still better than beef is lamb. It harmonizes well with game and meat pies.

NFN: We didn’t have a pan left to cook the beef with the sauce, but serving it with the sauce poured over it worked well.

page 58

Fischsuppe (Fish Soup)

Für die Fischsuppe 3 Maß Wein, 1 Semmel, Gewürz and Färbt ed gelb. Zu einer gelben scharfen Suppe zu den Fischen 7 Maß Wein, 1 Löffel Ingwer, 1 Löffel Pfeffer; wenn du es besser haben eillst, so reib einen Lebkuchen hinen.

for 6 (for 20; for 60) Ingredient
500 ml (1.5 L; 4.5 L) Stock, Fish
300 ml (900 ml; 2.7 L) Wine, White
1 (3; 9) Bread Roll
1 slice (3 slices; 9 slices) Gingerbread (spicy bread)
¼ tsp (1 tsp; 1 Tbsp) Pepper, white
1 squirt (1 tsp; 1 Tbsp) Tabasco Sauce
2 cm (6 cm; 18 cm) Ginger Root, grated
1 portion (3 portions; 9 portions) Saffron
400 g (1.2 K; 3.6 K) Fish Fillet, White

Take the fish stock and 2/3 of white wine and bring to boil. Put bread roll and gingerbread in the rest of the wine to soak. Put into the boiling liquid, then boil. Strain through sieve, bring down the flame and spice to taste.

Wash fish fillet, throw into salt and then into the soup. Simmer for 10-15 minutes,

NFN: we used Travelle and it was taken off the flame for a couple of hours before reheating to serve.

page 44

Erbsensuppe (Pea Soup)

Von Erbsensuppe und etlichen anderen Suppen

Klare Erbsensuppe: Koch die Erbsen, nimm nur die klare Bruhe, hacke eine Zwiebel sehr fein und gib si hinein. Färbe sie gelb, würze sie mit geingestoßenem Gewürz. Tu etwas Fett hinein, Muskatblüte, geröstete Semmel. Für Kindbetterinnen nimmet man aber keine Zuiebeln, sondern verkocht etwas Fett darin. Wenn man die Suppe aber andicken will, so schlägt man einen Teil der Erbsen durch ein Siedb; röste geschnittene Zwiebeln darain; färb sie gelb, würz sie mit fein gestoßenem Gewürz. Man muß es gut durchrühren. Wenn man will, seiht man es durch.

For 6 (for 20; for 60) Ingredient
250 g (750 g; 2.5 K) Peas, fresh
2 (6; 18) Onions
40 g (120 g; 360 g) Butter
1 ¼ L (3 L; 9 L) Stock
1 portion (2 portions; 8 portions) Saffron
2 Tbsp (1/3 c; 1 c) Wine, Muscatel (sweet)
1 bunch (1 ½ bunch; 3 bunches) Parsley
40 g (120 g; 360 g) Breadcrumbs or wheat flour

Onions peeled and finely chopped. In butter fry until clear; then add the peas. Add stock, pepper, saffron, wine and simmer for 20 minutes on medium heat.

For Clear soup add parsley and serve.

For Thicker soup, sprinkle flour over soup and stir in. Cook for 15 minutes more.

NFN: we used frozen peas and it worked well. The pot was taken off the flame for about 2 hours before being reheated to serve.

page 43

Straubenteig mit Wein (Bristle Dough with Wine)

For 6 (for 20; for 60) Ingredient
180 g (360 g; 1 K) Flour
125 ml (250 ml; 1.5 L) Wine, White
25 g (50 g; 150 g) Oil
2 (4; 12) Eggs, Separated
1 pinch (1/8 tsp; ¼ tsp) Salt

to Sweeten Dough

25 g (50 g; 150 g) Sugar

Mix together flour, white wine, oil, egg yolk and salt until just smooth. NOTE: do not over beat. Beat egg white until just stiff and carefully fold into the dough.

page 35

Return to High Germany

First Remove
Erbsensuppe (Pea Soup)
Fischsuppe (Fish Soup)
Rindbraten mit Minzsauce (Beef Roast with Mint Sauce)
Lauchgemüse (Leek Greens)

Second Remove
Gefüllten Spanferkel (Stuffed Pork)
Rehbraten (Deer Ragout)
Ausgebackene Morcheln (Baked Mushrooms)
Mohrrübe mit Pomeranzengemüse (Carrots with Orange Sauce)
Sauerkirschen Ausgebacken (Baked Sour Cherry)

Gänsebraten mit Leber-Apfel-Sauce (Roast Goose with Liver Apple Sauce) high table only

Third Remove
Kräutertorte (Green Torte)
Heidnische Kuchen (Pagan Cakes)
Birnenpudding (Pear Pudding)
Quark-Mandeltorte (Cream Cheese-Almond Cake)

The reference book we used for this feast was Das Kochbuch Des Mittelalters, Rezepte aus alter Zeit, eingeleitet, erläutert und ausprobiert von Trude Ehlert

All Recipes where translated by myself and Master Thorfin, with the assistance of many others in checking us out. Neither one of us uses German in our lives and so the translating sessions many times turned very humerous. We did our best and we think that the resulting feast was interesting and well received.